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ThriftBook Online Review

Writer's picture: Heather OrchardHeather Orchard

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

I am a huge advocate of money management, budgeting, investing, spending and saving.

I learned this from a young age from my dad. He was the one who taught me about money. My parents have always been huge thrift stores, second hand stores, flea markets, garage/yard sales shoppers. It was the highlight of our weekends to go out and see what sort of great deals and amazing things we could find. To this day I still religiously shop at these stores. A few years ago I would have been so scared to share this information with anyone in fear of being judged or looked down upon. Nowadays I have learned to not care about what others think about me or my life. I don’t think it matters at all where we shop or what we spend our money on. Shopping at these types of stores not only saves me money, helps the environment, but it also brings me great joy.

One of my all time favorite second hand stores to shop from is They have over 13 million titles to search through. As an avid reader I have a huge collection of books. Personally, I love books so much, I can’t imagine anyone ever throwing them away. Anytime I have books that I just don’t read anymore or books that my little buyout grows we take them to donate to our local library or to Book It Forward Idaho. Sharing my love for books is really important to me. Books have truly transformed my life and given me a better perspective on the world. I can’t even tell you how many books I have bought just to gift to my friends, family, and to those I love.

ThriftBooks Purpose

“We believe reading empowers people, offering them empathy to live for a moment in someone else's shoes, education—a critical asset to improving one's life—and an occasional escape to fantastic worlds inhabited by interesting characters. Yes, we save millions of books every year from being destroyed, but our mission goes beyond the environment. We save these books and make them accessible to readers for the chance to shape another mind, share another story, and teach a bit of wisdom.”

History of ThriftBooks

ThriftBooks started in 2003 with a pick-up truck of used books stashed in a storage unit, listing books solely on Their very first book that was sold was the beloved children's classic, Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. Over the past few years, ThriftBooks began adding processing centers all across the country and hiring hundreds of employees.

Today ThriftBooks is the world's largest online independent used book seller, operating with state-of-the-art automation and advanced analytics in a safety-first environment. Their primary sales and distribution channel is online from their website at In addition to their main website you can still find their books on Amazon, eBay, Abe, and other commerce sites where booklovers gather.

ThriftBook prides ourselves on their wide assortment of quality used, accurately graded books provided to our customers at everyday low prices. They are known for their award-winning customer service team and 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with over 640,000 reviews, providing their customers assurance to shop with confidence while finding books they love and look forward to reading. ThriftBooks also has a unique Reading Rewards loyalty program that continually delights loyal customers with free books from the points they earn from their online purchases.

One way ThriftBooks gives back to the community is through their ThriftBooks Cares pillar, designed to connect with communities in the US and globally donating books to those in need—including schools, non-profit organizations, and those rebuilding after natural disasters.

ThriftBooks Belief

We believe in books and the power of the written word to impact lives and societies across the globe, and we cherish our role in saving books to live another day to educate, entertain, inspire, and transform lives.”

ThriftBooks Promise

“ThriftBooks offers quality used and new books, accurately graded, at everyday low prices, delivered directly to our cherished customers. If, for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us and we will do our best to ensure your satisfaction.” ThriftBooks not only sells secondhand books, they also sell movies, tv series, music, video game systems, video games and much more!

ThriftBooks Library Program

“Our program allows libraries to repurpose books they no longer want or need on their shelves. Libraries send us books, make money, and create space for new material. ThriftBooks receives good quality, used books, lists them for sale, and finds new readers worldwide, extending the life of books. We put quality, affordable books into the hands of those who love to read.”

The Difference Made

750,000 books processed every day

Over 1 billion books saved from landfills

6,000,000+ books donated to literacy programs

18,000,000 books sold last year



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