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The Thrifty Single Mom Blog

Hi, I'm Heather.

I've created this blog about all things life, beauty, wellness, parenting, current topics, financial resources, and much more!  


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Heather Orchard Blog Welcome

There is a spark within each one of us. That spark just needs to be ignited. Like a flame in the darkness, without any oxygen, it will burnout and die, just like our lives. If we are stuck in the darkness without light or ways to live we will all suffer and die. We need to ignite the spark inside ourselves and teach it to grow. Like all sparks, they grow into a flame, and that flame can grow into a fire, and as the fire grows it catches on. People will see your light, they will be drawn to you, and their light will be ignited to follow. Just like good prevails over evil, God’s light prevails over darkness. So when you are at our weakest hour, remember you are not alone.

- Heather Orchard

Heather Orchard, American Author.
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